Become a member of
and get instant access to the videos
Monthly - $19 / month |
Yearly - $228 $190 / year |
What do I get when I join?
When you join, you'll get a username and password to access the members' area with the 150 video lessons.
What level are these lessons?
The videos are divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced-level lessons - so there's something for everyone, no matter how long you've been playing capoeira!
How can I pay?
You can pay by credit card through PayPal. It uses a secure connection, so all your information is kept safe and confidential.
What about cancellation or refunds?
If you'd like to cancel your membership, just send us a message and we'll cancel all future payments within 24 hours. You'll continue to have access to the members' area until the end of the month that you already paid for.
If you decide isn't for you, then you can ask for a refund at any time during the first 30 days of your membership and we'll return your payment.
I have another question. Can I contact you?
Of course! Send us a message using this form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible: